Barry and Patti Fisher Fund
Barry and Patti Fisher established this fund to benefit Centre County Law Enforcement Camp Cadet, Inc.—a summer camp for boys and girls from Pennsylvania between the ages of 12 to 15. The camp is held at various locations throughout the state and staffed by troopers, local police officers, and many other volunteers. The goal of Camp Cadet is to introduce participants to the diverse criminal justice system and establish a positive relationship with law enforcement personnel. Camp Cadet is open to all youth and is structured similar to training at the police academy. All participants who attend Camp Cadet are addressed as "Cadet" during the week. Cadets are required to participate in all scheduled events. The camp focuses on discipline, self-esteem, teamwork, drug and alcohol education, violence prevention, and many other issues facing today's youth. Meals, lodging, and programs are provided at no cost to the applicant. This fund reflects the Fishers' commitment to Camp Cadet and also allows other interested parties or organizations to donate and ensure its future success.
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Barry and Patti Fisher Fund

Providing a positive summer experience connecting kids to law enforcement personnel