We join together with generous people like you to make a difference in our community through the power of collective philanthropy.
Since 1981, Centre Foundation has helped hundreds of individuals, families, and businesses support their community passions. Working with Centre Foundation, you can:
- Benefit from our team’s expertise in philanthropy, deep community knowledge, and highly personalized service.
- Gain access to numerous charitable giving vehicles, otherwise unavailable.
- Support high-caliber programs and organizations, vetted by our research.
- Optimize your investments, bolstered by our $70 million in assets.
- Make a bigger impact as all fees go straight back into the community.
- Join a community of civic leaders committed to identifying and investing in long-term solutions for important issues facing Centre County.
- Experience the joy of giving back while we manage all of the details.
- Make a tangible impact in Centre County and create a lasting legacy.
Are you ready to open your own fund?
There are a number of ways to create your personal giving vehicle, and our team can talk with you about the benefits of each. Based on your needs, we will help you turn cash or stock, real estate, bequests, or other assets into a powerful tool for charitable giving. Funds can be opened with as little as a $2,000 gift and can begin granting once they reach $10,000.
Types of Funds
Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds allow you to make grant recommendations to organizations you choose to support.
Designated Funds
Designated Funds provide long-term stable funding to one or more specified organizations you want to support forever.
Community Impact Funds
Community Impact Funds allow Centre Foundation to address local emerging needs forever.
Field of Interest Funds
Field of Interest Funds support your specific area of interest forever through the foundation’s competitive grants program.
Organizational Endowment Funds
Organizational Endowment Funds are established by nonprofits to build sustainable sources of income.
Donate to a Fund
Not ready to open your own fund? You can still support an organization or interest area you are passionate about by donating to an existing fund.
With our Fund Finder, you can browse our funds, learn about what each fund supports, or donate directly to any fund.
With our Fund Finder, you can browse our funds, learn about what each fund supports, or donate directly to any fund.
Donate to the Foundation
Are you inspired by the current impact Centre Foundation is making in our community? You can support the Foundation’s community impact work directly by donating to our Community Impact Fund.
Give Through Your Estate
Centre Foundation can be supported through your estate plans in many ways, including bequests, trust distributions, annuities, beneficiary status on life insurance or retirement plans, and more. Donors who support Centre Foundation through their estate plans are honored by inclusion in our Campbell Society.
Join the Giving Circle
Each year, like-minded philanthropists pool their resources to make a significant impact, voting to give one $10,000 grant and other smaller grants to support the projects they feel are the most compelling.
Donate Through Centre Gives
Centre Gives is our 36-hour online giving event, designed to encourage community giving and to highlight and support the great work of local nonprofits. It provides a fun and exciting way for donors to choose the organizations they wish to support and see their gifts go further through the stretch pool and prizes.
Encourage Next Generation Philanthropy
Centre PACT (Philanthropic Actions Created by Teens) is a program which brings together high school students from across the county to discuss issues facing their peer group, learn about potential solutions that nonprofits offer, and ultimately fund the programs that they think will be most effective. If you are visited by a member of Centre PACT requesting a gift to support their grants, please consider giving generously. Your contribution through Centre PACT will support local nonprofits now while also inspiring and encouraging the next generation of philanthropists.
Give a Gift of Real Estate
Give all or a percentage of real estate to Centre Foundation.
Gifts of land, residences, and commercial and rental properties offer you the benefit of an income tax deduction, plus the elimination of capital gains tax.
Gifts of land, residences, and commercial and rental properties offer you the benefit of an income tax deduction, plus the elimination of capital gains tax.

Ready to partner with Centre Foundation? Contact Kerry Tolton to get started today.