Julia and Ray C. Noll Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ray Noll, the 4th generation of entrepreneurial Nolls to live in Pleasant Gap, married Julia in 1927. They continued to reside in the village of Pleasant Gap until their deaths. Julia served on the Bellefonte Area Board of Education for 30 years, and one of her proudest accomplishments was helping to transform the system from a collection of one- and two-room country schoolhouses into a modern school system. Ray served as a trustee of the Centre County Hospital from 1929 to 1968 and was General Manager and President of Whiterock Quarries from 1927 to 1955. During his tenure, Whiterock Quarries provided jobs for a Pleasant Gap work force of over 200 men and supplied a reliable source of blast furnace and fluxing stone to the steel mills during World War II. This fund provides a scholarship to a Bellefonte Area High School senior who resides in Pleasant Gap, excels in academics, and is involved in extra-curricular activities. The student must also have excellent citizenship and demonstrate a financial need.
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Julia and Ray C. Noll Memorial Scholarship Fund

Supporting college-bound Bellefonte Area School District students