Stella Jedrziewski Wawrynovic Scholarship Fund
Stella Jedrziewski Wawrynovic was born in Osceola Mills, the third of ten siblings. After graduating from Osceola Mills High School in 1936, Stella attended Thomas Jefferson University School of Nursing in Philadelphia. She became a registered nurse and worked there until 1949. Stella also served in the US Army Nurse Corp during WWII. She and her husband Frank owned and operated Utilities Forestry Service in Clearfield for over 30 years. They had three children, all of whom died at a young age from various illnesses. As a result, the couple directly assisted more than 50 area students with post-secondary educations; scholarships were also established in their memory at Penn State. Stella’s commitment to this community will live on through the many scholarships that this fund will support. Eight scholarships will be divided evenly between the Clearfield and Philipsburg-Osceola school districts. They will be for the valedictorian and salutatorian of each district to attend a four-year college or university (or, if the student does not have college plans, then the student with the next highest GPA and college plans). The other scholarships will go to the female and male students with the highest GPA in each district who have trade or technology school plans.
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Stella Jedrziewski Wawrynovic Scholarship Fund

Supporting post-secondary education for students in Clearfield and Philipsburg-Osceola School Districts