Ben and Doris Niebel Family Fund
Ben and Doris Niebel were both lifetime educators in State College. After graduating from Penn State, Doris worked for the State College Area School District as an elementary school teacher until her retirement in 1983. Ben also graduated from Penn State with advanced degrees in industrial engineering; he joined this department in 1947 and went on to earn several awards for his work. The Neibels were members of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church and the Penn State Wrestling Club. Ben was also active in the community, serving on the boards of both College Township’s and Centre County’s Industrial Development Authorities, the Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County, the United Methodist Homes for Aging Inc., and the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks. This fund supports Centre Foundation’s discretionary funds, which are used to meet the changing needs of Centre County residents. In a unique role as philanthropic leaders of the community, foundation board members and staff are equipped to understand the changing needs of the community and to focus grants where they can make the most impact over the years.
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Ben and Doris Niebel Family Fund

Improving lives in Centre County by responding to current needs